Open call for Kinky Playback Collective
The Sex-positive community theater ensemble

“Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it." ~”

― Augusto Boal

Open Call to explore the Kinky Playback Theater!

The Kinky Playback Collective is looking for non-professional actors to join our improved theater ensemble! 

We are a mixed-gender, sex-positive, kinky theatrical ensemble and Collective with the mission to empower, reflect, challenge, and shed light on important issues from our own personal stories, communities, and lifestyles. 

If you are located in Berlin and looking to be part of a vibrant new community that drives social change,  you like to empower yourself and others, and most importantly enthusiastic and curious about improv theater we are looking for YOU! 

Join us every Monday from 19:00-22:00 at the Fabriktheater Moabit Lehrter Str. 35, 10557 Berlin. 

Please register for the session via the form.


Q: What is Playback Theatre?

A: Playback Theatre is a unique form of improvisational theatre where audience members volunteer stories from their lives, and our ensemble performs them on stage. It's a powerful tool for gaining perspective on life's stories, processing emotions, and healing personal and collective experiences through the medium of theatre and music.

We recommend you watch this Video for a visual introduction to Playback Theatre.

Q: What is the focus of the Kinky Playback Collective?

A: The Kinky Playback Collective is a sex-positive theatre ensemble that explores and reflects upon real-life stories related to sexuality, gender identity, kinks, BDSM, relationships, and our community experiences. We strongly believe in the power of theatre as a medium for conveying important messages. Theatre allows us to extend beyond ourselves, impact others by altering our reactions to the world, and promote progressive and empathetic ways of thinking and behaving.

Q: When and where are the sessions held?

A: Our sessions take place on Mondays from 19:00 to 22:00 at the Fabriktheater Moabit, located at Lehrter Str. 35, 10557 Berlin. 

Q: Is there a membership fee for joining the Kinky Playback Collective?

A: Yes, there is a membership fee of once every 3 months of 150 euros. This fee helps cover the costs of teaching and classes and rent. However, please note that we are a non-profit, self-funded social project, and we are committed to keeping costs to a minimum. In the future we would like that the ticket sale from our shows will fully fund our activity.

Q: What is the difference between a Recruit and a Member of the  Collective?

A: The Kinky Playback Collective distinguishes between recruits and members based on their level of involvement and commitment:

Recruits: Recruits are individuals exploring our ensemble. They can join for free or make a small donation to attend sessions without a long-term commitment.

Members: Members are fully committed participants. They pay a quarterly fee and actively engage in rehearsals, performances, and collaborative projects. They play an integral role in our mission of empowerment and reflection through theater.

Q: What does "collective" mean?

A: In the Kinky Playback Collective, the term "collective" refers to our collaborative and inclusive approach to creating theater. We are a community-driven ensemble made up of 10 to 15 members who actively participate in decision-making, creative processes, and the realization of our artistic vision. It's a group where everyone has a voice and plays a vital role in shaping our performances and the direction of our project.

Q: What are the long-term goals of the project?

A: Our long-term objectives include establishing a fully operational performing ensemble, producing ticketed shows, and actively empowering the sex-positive community.

Q: Why you are also looking for musicians to join the ensemble?

A: Musicians play a vital role in enhancing the theatrical experience of our performances. Their live music adds depth and emotion to our improvisational theater, creating a more immersive and engaging atmosphere for both performers and the audience. We believe that music has the power to elevate storytelling, making it an integral part of our creative ensemble. If you're a musician with a passion for collaborative storytelling, we invite you to join us!

Q: When did the project officially begin?

A: The Kinky Playback Collective has been in motion for some time as we gathered our diverse and passionate group over the past few months. However, the official start of our professional playback classes and ensemble activities is set for the 25th of September 2023. 

Q: I Want to know more, can I talk to someone?

A: Absolutely! To know more and express interest in joining us simply send a message to Maya on Telegram @Kinkysoulberlin or email us at Be sure to include your contact number, and Maya will give you a callback to discuss your involvement further. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Project Team 

Maya  (she/her)

Project Director 

Maya is the driving force behind the Kinky Playback Collective, she is committed to promoting group diversity and fostering a safe and inclusive space. With a passion for empowering individuals through culture and self-expression, Maya leads the ensemble in exploring diverse perspectives and important issues. Her role extends beyond leadership, encompassing collaboration, partnerships, and the logistical aspects that keep our collective rolling. 

Maria (she/her)


is a psychologist, professional group facilitator, and coach. Was inspired by the Playback more than 20 years ago and practicing it ever since, She is part of the international payback Theatre group “Story Lane", and conducted theater projects for the refugee community in Berlin. In her eyes, the ability to improvise is a powerful tool not only on stage but for life in general.

Henk (he/him) 


is an actor with a deep background in drama therapy, a child protection social worker, and a trauma pedagog. Hank has practiced Playback theater since 2010 in Germany and other countries and is a Co-founder of the Playback theater Group "The mirror neurons".  Hank is a big believer in the hilling power of the theater and is still fascinated by its potential to create deep connections to oneself and others.